Imagine this: you’re sitting next to a cheery fire on a frigid winter night, listening to the winter howling outside and glad you’re safe inside. You’re about to nod off when an ominous noise from the basement yanks you wide awake. You feel a sense of impending doom as you rush down the cellar doors. Please don’t let it be a burst pipe, you think. Please! Continue reading
Author Archives: admin
10 easy DIY home winterization projects that can lower bills and accidents

Sure, the outdoor landscape is taking a turn for the impending colder weather, leaves are dropping or fully dropped in some parts of the country, the grass is starting to brown out, once colorful flowers are weeping masses of brown, and this means it’s time to prepare your home for a hard winter’s nap. Continue reading
Why Didn’t You Winterize, You Idiot!

What was it about winterize NOW that you didn’t understand? Well, you ignored us and now you’ve got a mess on your hands so what should you do? Continue reading